Book Bits |18 June 2016

How Big Should Our Government Be?
By Jon Bakija, et al.
Summary via publisher (California University Press)
The size of government is arguably the most controversial discussion in United States politics, and this issue won’t fade from prominence any time soon. There must surely be a tipping point beyond which more government taxing and spending harms the economy, but where is that point? In this accessible book, best-selling authors Jeff Madrick, Jon Bakija, Lane Kenworthy, and Peter Lindert try to answer whether our government can grow any larger and examine how we can optimize growth and fair distribution.

The New Grand Strategy: Restoring America’s Prosperity, Security, and Sustainability in the 21st Century
By Mark Mykleby, et al.
Summary via publisher (St. Martin’s Press)
The New Grand Strategy tells the story of a plan, born within the Pentagon, to recapture America’s greatness at home and abroad by elevating sustainability as our new strategic imperative. It aligns our enduring national interests of prosperity and security with a new framework that addresses pressing economic, social, and environmental issues at home, tapping into a trillion-dollar market demand for walkable communities, regenerative agriculture and resource productivity. It is an inspiring vision of what’s possible when Americans hold a collective view of the future and come together to bring it to reality.

Raising the Floor: How a Universal Basic Income Can Renew Our Economy and Rebuild the American Dream
By Andy Stern with Lee Kravitz
Summary via publisher (Public Affairs)
The foundation of economic prosperity for all Americans, Stern believes, is a universal basic income. The idea of a universal basic income for all Americans is controversial but American attitudes are shifting. Stern has been a game changer throughout his career, and his next goal is to create a movement that will force the political establishment to take action against something that many on both the right and the left believe is inevitable. Stern’s plan is bold, idealistic, and challenging—and its time has come.

The Evolution of Money
By David Orrell and Roman Chlupatý
Summary via publisher (Columbia University Press)
The sharing economy’s unique customer-to-company exchange is possible because of the way in which money has evolved. These transactions have not always been as fluid as they are today, and they are likely to become even more fluid. It is therefore critical that we learn to appreciate money’s elastic nature as deeply as do Uber, Airbnb, Kickstarter, and other innovators, and that we understand money’s transition from hard currencies to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin if we are to access their cooperative potential. The Evolution of Money illuminates this fascinating reality, focusing on the tension between currency’s real and abstract properties and advancing a vital theory of money rooted in this dual exchange.

The Politics of Dependency: US Reliance on Mexican Oil and Farm Labor
By Martha Menchaca
Summary via publisher (University of Texas Press)
The United States and Mexico trade many commodities, the most important of which are indispensable sources of energy—crude oil and agricultural labor. Mexican oil and workers provide cheap and reliable energy for the United States, while US petro dollars and agricultural jobs supply much-needed income for the Mexican economy. Mexico’s economic dependence on the United States is well-known, but The Politics of Dependency makes a compelling case that the United States is also economically dependent on Mexico.